
Check out our video library AppCheck defending against newest ransomware, automatic recovery and real-time backup.

  • Distribution Method  : Access using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) or a remote program.
  • MD5 : 608eee60a64b9a3802bf9fd4dfb297e5
  • Encrypted File Pattern : .[<Random>].[].nigra
  • Payment Instruction File : README_WARNING.txt
  • Major Characteristics :
     - Offline Encryption
     - Recovery Partition (F:\) + EFI System Partition (G:\) drives are activate.
     - Block processes execution (360doctor.exe, Culture.exe, fdhost.exe, java.exe, sqlservr.exe, WINWORD.exe etc.)
     - Stop VSS service
     - Change multi services settings (sc config VSS start= disabled)
     - Disable system restore (wmic.exe SHADOWCOPY delete /nointeractive, vssadmin.exe Delete Shadows /All /Quiet, vssadmin.exe Resize ShadowStorage /for=<Drive Letter>: /on=<Drive Letter>: /maxsize=401MB, vssadmin.exe Resize ShadowStorage /for=<Drive Letter>: /on=<Drive Letter>: /maxsize=unbounded, bcdedit.exe /set {default} recoveryenabled No, bcdedit.exe /set {default} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures, wbadmin.exe DELETE CATALOG -quiet, wbadmin.exe DELETE SYSTEMSTATEBACKUP, wbadmin.exe DELETE SYSTEMSTATEBACKUP -deleteoldest, powershell -command "Get-WmiObject Win32_Shadowcopy | ForEach-Object {$_.Delete();}")
     - Delete backup files (<Drive Letter>:\*.bac, <Drive Letter>:\*.bak, <Drive Letter>:\*.bkf, <Drive Letter>:\*.dsk, <Drive Letter>:\*.set, <Drive Letter>:\*.VHD, <Drive Letter>:\*.wbcat, <Drive Letter>:\*.win, <Drive Letter>:\Backup*.*, <Drive Letter>:\backup*.*)
     - Empty the trash.

