
Check out our video library AppCheck defending against newest ransomware, automatic recovery and real-time backup.

  • Distribution Method : Unknown
  • MD5 : c4d91f35b29eeae352b4299cf0a1dd4e
  • Major Detection Name : Generic.Ransom.Estemani.6F64B41F (BitDefender), Ransom.Win32.ESTIMANI.THJOCAIA (Trend Micro)
  • Encrypted File Pattern : <Original Filename>.<Original Extension>
  • Malicious File Creation Location :
     - C:\ProgramData\00000000.eky
     - C:\ProgramData\00000000.pky
  • Payment Instruction File : @_READ_TO_RECOVER_FILES_@.txt
  • Major Characteristics :
     - Offline Encryption
     - Block processes execution (agent*, backup*, sql*, vm*)
     - Disable system restore (wmic shadowcopy delete)
     - Change the payment instructions file (@_READ_TO_RECOVER_FILES_@.txt) to a read-only (R) file attribute value.
     - Utilizes SDelete from SysInternals to purge empty disc drive space, disabling possible recovery by file recovery tool. (<Random>.exe -c <Drive Letter>: /accepteula)

