
업데이트 내역, 신제품/이벤트 소식 등 다양한 정보를 제공합니다.

Anti-Ransomware AppCheck is now officially updated to version, which includes ransomware protection, exploit protection and cleaner.


AppCheck Cleaner features system integrity scan, network environment scan, malware scan, adware scan, browser extension scan, malicious shortcut url scan, ransomnote files removal, and temporary file/folder removal features. Through multiple scanners, AppCheck Cleaner removes various malicious codes, ransomware, and other temporary files and folders that are unnecessary on your PC.


You may select which scan items to run on your choice, in AppCheck Option.


During the scanning process of AppCheck Cleaner, it may require to reboot your system. In this case, please follow the instruction. AppCheck Cleaner will automatically rerun to proceed inspection after reboot.


Detected items will be automatically deleted so no further action is required by the user.

You may find out more information about the scanner results after the scaning process is completed. This can be found in the threat log of AppCheck tool, which also provides restore function for removed items.


For your convenience of accessing AppCheck Cleaner, we also added menus on the program and taskbar icons.

With newly featured Cleaner, AppCheck Anti-Ramsomware now provides real-time ransomware protection, guards applications from exploits, removes malwares and adwares(PUP/PUA) and boosts up your PC.


Thank you for your continued use and support.

