Online Manual

AppCheck Anti-Ransomware Uninstallation

  • ⑴ To uninstall AppCheck, go to Control Panel and click "Uninstall a program." Find "AppCheck Anti-Ransomware" and double click.

    Image - Uninstallation Screen #1

  • ⑵ Before the uninstallation, it is recommended to turn off "AppCheck Anti-Ransomware" in the system tray, and click "Next" button.

    Image - Uninstallation Screen #2

  • ⑶ Security procedure is required to prevent AppCheck from being removed automatically. Enter the CAPTCHA to text field and click "Next".

    Image - Uninstallation Screen #3-1

    If entered text is incorrect, error message "The entered CAPTCHA does not match. Please check and re-enter te code." will appear. Check again and re-enter the code.

    Image - Uninstallation Screen #3-2

  • ⑷ To remove AppCheck from the system click "Uninstall" button.

    Image - Uninstallation Screen #4

  • ⑸ After the uninstallation process, manually locate RansomShlter folder "Backup(AppCheck)" in each drive and delete them.

    Image - Uninstallation Screen #5
