Contact for Purchase

Please contact to our sales below if you are considering to purchase for company or business use.

South Africa Partner

Computer Troubleshooters
80 Greenvale Rd, Rietfontein 63-Ir Germiston 1401

Australia Partner

Adelaide I.T Solutions (AITS)
PO Box 238, Happy Valley, Adelaide, South Australia 5159

Dallas (US) Partner

Central Computer & Networks
6440 N Central Expy #411, Dallas, TX 75206

Malaysia Partner

NKH Solution
5A-4, Block F1, Jalan PJU 1/42, Dataran Prima, 47301, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

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Monday through Friday 9AM – 5PM (KST) excluding holidays.

※ Price for enterprise products could be different depending on the type of purchase (first time purchase, renewal) and quantity.

※ You can get help through [Request a Quote] menu before purchasing to understand better about the product and price.